01 / ETS Strategy
02 / Carbon Offset
We help corporates under Emission Trading Scheme in managing EUA portfolio, defining hedging strategies and managing EU registry accounts.
We creates carbon offset plans to compensate GHG emissions that cannot be avoid, according with IETA and ICROA best practice. We have one of the biggest developers and intermediaries network for carbon credits.
04 / Regulation
Advisory and updates on legislation and incentives on CO2, ETS and Carbon Tax
05 / Reporting
Support in selecting schemes, certifications and accounting environmental externalities.
03 / CO2 Strategy
We help corporates and industrial association in evaluating economic impacts of GHG externalities. We create shadow-carbon pricing strategies to prepare organizations to the incumbent introductions of compliance carbon pricing creating Green Marketing Strategies.
06 / CO2 Reuse & Digital Tranformation
Support in selecting schemes, certifications and accounting environmental externalities.
07 / FLUIDANCE | Tracciatura Blockchain per CO2 green
Il primo portale per tracciare e scambiare la CO2 catturata dai processi industriali per abilitare progetti di economia circolare che trasformano la CO2 da scarto a risorsa.
In JV con Prosume, spin-off dedicato al settore energy di Mangrovia Blockchain solutions, azienda italiana tra i leader europei di Blockchain, partecipata dal fondo Seven, guidata Angelomario Moratti.
About Us
We are a team of professional advisors working on ETS and environmental commodities since 2010 at Italian and EU level. We witnessed huge revolutions in regulation and the rising of best practices supporting large enterprise and industrial associations.
In 2020 we launch CO2 Advisor, in the most significant year for the green revolution of our society.
Decarbonization targets over 95% before 2050 definitely make the environment a scarce resource. Very scarce resource has a value and the value reflects into prices.
Every corporate should precisely consider its products’ and activities’ carbon footprint, in order to predict and reduce the impacts caused by the rising of costs linked to GHG externalities.

Andrea Ronchi, founder
Contact Us
Tel: +39 340 33 00 380
Via Vandelli n°64
41051 Castelnuovo Rangone (MO)